Anna Stern
While pregnant with my son, my body blossomed, my hormonal brain went into overdrive, and my nostalgia for well-fitting clothes intensified. I especially missed fitting into my fast-shrinking pajamas, and with no suitable replacement in sight, I waited in horror for the dreaded and unavoidable meeting with the oversized T-shirt.
After the birth of my son, I also gave birth to Pregjamas. These garments are so comfortable, you will wish gestation lasted 18 months. Pregjamas are functional, supportive, convenient, beautiful, sophisticated, and luxurious. The only time you will need to take them off, will be to wash them (but I won't judge you if you continue wearing your unwashed Pregjamas).
Pregjamas are what you always knew you would eventually find. It is my firm belief that long after your pregnancies, you will continue wearing Pregjamas, not because you will need to, but because you will want to. Pregjamas are a luxury you can't afford to live without!